UK Growth and Adoption in GRP Manufacturing and Composites Industry

5th April 2024

In recent years, the UK has emerged as a key player in the global manufacturing landscape, particularly in the realm of Glass Reinforced Plastic (GRP) and composites. With a concerted focus on fostering innovation and technological advancement, the UK government has been clear in their positive views and outlook on composite usage in the UK, providing support and incentives to bolster the growth and competitiveness of composite manufacturing. While there is much more that could be done, the support provided by investment initiatives to research funding is paving the way for transformative developments and sustainable growth within the industry.
Find out more about the industy support here.

GRP Manufacturing: A Cornerstone of UK Innovation

GRP manufacturing, also known as fibre reinforced plastics (FRP), encompasses a wide range of processes and applications, spanning various industries such as automotive, aerospace, marine, construction, and renewable energy. At its core, GRP leverages the strength and versatility of fibreglass combined with resins to create lightweight, durable, and corrosion-resistant components and structures. From custom moulded parts to complex assemblies, GRP offers unparalleled design flexibility and performance, making it a preferred choice for manufacturers worldwide.

Mould Tooling: Precision Engineering for Custom Solutions

Central to the GRP manufacturing process at MPM is tooling, a critical step that ensures the precise replication of desired shapes and dimensions in finished parts. Mould tooling involves the design and fabrication of moulds, using our product development software (CAD) and machining techniques, MPM initially setup as a pattern making business in 1978 produce quick, efficient, and highly precise patterns. These moulds serve as the foundation for producing GRP components with exceptional accuracy and repeatability, enabling manufacturers to meet stringent quality standards and customer specifications efficiently.

GRP Parts: Driving Innovation Across Industries

GRP parts play a pivotal role in driving innovation and advancement across a spectrum of industries, from automotive and aerospace to renewable energy and infrastructure, you can find a few of our case studies here.

View Case Studies

Shaping the Future of GRP Manufacturing

As the UK continues to position itself as a hub for innovation and excellence in GRP manufacturing and composites, the support and commitment of the government play a pivotal role in shaping the industry's future trajectory. One such initiative is the Industrial Strategy Challenge Fund, which allocates funding for research and development projects aimed at addressing key industrial challenges and driving innovation.

By fostering collaboration, investment, and skills development, the UK government empowers manufacturers to push the boundaries of technology and drive sustainable growth and competitiveness in the global marketplace. As workforce skills have been noted in the industry to be a key challenge, at MPM we are consistently focusing on the next generation and building the pipeline for apprenticeships to ensure our expertise is passed on to support the future of manufacturing in the UK: learn more about our most recent initiatives here.

Innovate - Quality - Reliable - Team - Leaders

"We recommend MPM to all our contacts without hesitation. In my 15 years of sourcing suitable composite suppliers, MPM are top of the list and continue to exceed our expectations"

Andy Colhoun, Nugent Trailers

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