Welcoming New Work with a Returning Customer

5th April 2024

Enduring Partnerships

One of the strengths of our network lies in the enduring partnerships we cultivate, and the re-engagement with Aqua Safety Showers reaffirms the power of these collaborations. In the past, we have worked closely with them to deliver innovative products - safety shower units that meet the highest standards of safety and performance.

Shared Commitment 

In our renewed partnership, we are excited to embark on a new project together. Aqua Safety Showers is investing in the development of a water tank unit, which MPM will manufacture, designed to enhance the functionality of safety showers in industrial settings. This innovative solution underscores our shared commitment to pushing the boundaries of safety technology and ensuring optimal emergency response capabilities for our customers. 

Tried and Trusted

Having worked in partnership for a number of years, Aqua Safety Showers knew they could trust the MPM team to deliver, without having to spend time carrying out in depth supplier checks. Understanding the importance of quality and trust, Aqua Safety Showers need suppliers not just to deliver, but also add value to their day to day working environment.  With this renewed partnership, MPM are proud to be achieving this criteria! 

View Case Study Here

Innovate - Quality - Reliable - Team - Leaders

"I am also a very particular individual that requires a level of service and quality often difficult to achieve. The guys at MPM are ‘stand up’ guys, always making things work, juggling resources where necessary to help me keep my business flowing."

Morgan Clissett, Production Director, Treka Bus Ltd

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