Continuous Improvement at MPM

18th October 2023

At MPM, we're not just manufacturers; we're innovators committed to delivering the best services and experience for our people and trusted clients. A key part of our journey is our ongoing quest for excellence through Continuous Improvement. 

As part of our commitment to continuous improvement, we strive to seek new ideas and innovation from both internal and external opportunities and as our team are integral to our overall success, last week we held our first dedicated continuous improvement session with members of the team.  

The collective group engaged in productive brainstorming sessions, generating innovative ideas, discussing ideas that have been generated from many members across the whole MPM team and ultimately crafting actionable plans to take us forward.  

Some key areas featuring in discussions were those of our ongoing focus on sustainability and how we continue to embrace the processes available to us in order to reduce our carbon footprint. In addition to some of our recent updates to the factory, including solar panels, LED lighting and thermally insulated shutter doors, we’re encouraging our team to make more use of the cycle to work scheme, carsharing and use of electric scooters to travel to and from work.  

Commitment to improving health and safety in the workplace is an essential cornerstone of any responsible and successful organisation. It signifies our dedication to creating an environment where our employees can perform their tasks without undue risk to their well-being. This commitment involves a proactive approach, including risk assessments, regular training, and the implementation of safety protocols. It goes beyond mere compliance with regulations, demonstrating a genuine concern for the welfare of our workforce. A workplace that prioritises health and safety fosters employee well-being, boosts morale, and ultimately leads to higher productivity. 

We understand that Continuous Improvement is exactly that – continuous - and we look forward to regularly meeting with our team, partners and suppliers to drive further forward in our commitment to delivering excellence in manufacturing.

Innovate - Quality - Reliable - Team - Leaders

"MPM understands the importance of quality, price and delivery. Achieving all 3 is no easy task, but every time we deal with MPM these 3 aspects are achieved."

Keith Siddle, Lamplas

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